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By Ferramentas Blog

terça-feira, 1 de outubro de 2013


First of all, my apologies for  my absence and so much time out of this blog, but I've been envolved with other works.

This is also a simple idea, it’s just another furniture, an urban furniture in this case.
However,  from my point of view it’s great due to its environmental appeal.
It’s a desk for a drinking, which could be used both in the inside and outside, but in this last case, it features two PV panels on the top, that capture the sun light to be converted in electric energy, what minimizes the heat at the same time.
The electricity should be used to keep the lamps lighted. What doesn't avoid that it can count with  a paralel circuit, in case of an emergency.
It should be manufactured with metal for the structure and wood for the desk.
This is just a study,but I hope you appreciate.
Leandro Salerno – architect.

Una idea simple, ma con una importanza ambientale.

Il tavolo può essere metto  nella parte interna e externa. Deve utilizzare la luce del sole, per creare energie elettriche per i lampadas.

Deve essere fabbricati in metal e legno.

È solamente una proposta, ma io aspetto che si piace

Leandro Salerno – architetto.


Esa és mas una ideia simples.

Uma mesa para bar con el uso de la energia solar para alimentar las lámparas.
Fabricado en acero y madera.
Espero que usted gusta.
Leandro Salerno - arquitecto.

C'est un idea simple à nouveau.
Un tableau des Bar, fait in métal et bois e peux etrê utiliser interne et externe
Utilise energie solaire pour les lampes.
J'esperé que vous aime.

Leandro Salerno - architect.

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