This is a
primary study, which has been prompted by a friend of mine.
The idea
features two twin houses, for two families.
My friend
wants to have a house that is comfortable for him and also his grandmother
and his mother.
Each house
has two bedrooms in the second floor, with one of them ( the bedroom of the
background part), with a bathroom, besides an environment in the first floor
that is separated by a kitchen, which serves for the breakfast by a side, and
provides the dinner by the other.
The facade
has a inclination, in floorplan, because in this position, the house (here in
Brazil) receives in its front part much
of the incidence of the sun, in the facade. In the same thought, the right side
receives much sunlight,( considering the trajectory of the sun in the south
hemisphere), so that, the two houses have a corridor in the side, in order to
create a double wall, avoiding that the heat arrives to the bedrooms. This case
happens only in the second floor, because in the first, the neighbors will
protect the living room.
construction is simple in masonry and concrete, and painting outside.
due to personal issues of the costumer, the build still hasn’t been
initialized, as well as the project will need to be detailed.
![drawing 01](
These videos show the behave of the sun and shadows, in a period of a day ( considering the south hemisphere), in the spring equinox, near the summertime solstice.
Remembering that it's only a didatic simulation, of the sun incidence.
I hope you
Thank you!
Salerno Santos – architect and designer.
Questo è un
progetto per un amico.
Il progetto ha
due case per due famiglie, mio amico , e anche suo mama e suo nonna.
Con due camere
nel secondo piano, e una sala, nel primo, che è
diviso in due con una cucina, creando sala per la visita e anche caffé e
un'altro per mangiare.
La fachada è
inclinada per evitare insolazione.
Anche abbiamo
passagi nel lado di modo a evitare che il calore raggiunge gli camere con molta
Io aspetto che si
Leandro Salerno
Santos - architetto e designer.
Eso projecto fue hecho para um amigo.
él tiene dos habitaciones en cima, y una sala en la parte
inferior, que está dividida en visita y jantar.
Fachada inclinada y pasillos para minimizar el calor.
Debe ser construÃda en ladrillo y hormigón, con pintura
Espero que guste!
Leandro Salerno Santos - arquitecto y designer.
C'est un project
pour un ami.
maisons pour mon ami et pour leur mère et grand- mère.
Avec deux
chambres à coucher en la partie haut et un chambre en la partie inférieur, qui
est divisée d'une salon et salle à manger.
La façade est
incliné, et la maison avoir un couloir
pour minimizé le chaleur.
La construction
devrait être faire en brique et béton,
avec peinture en la partie externé.
J'espére qui vous
Leandro Salerno Santos - architect et designer
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