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By Ferramentas Blog

domingo, 3 de junho de 2012


“… Now there was a great deal of grass in the place; so they sat down, about five thousand in all. Then Jesus took the loaves, and when he had given thanks, he distributed them to those who were seated; so also the fish, as much as they wanted. When they were satisfied, he told his disciples, ‘Gather up the fragments left over, so that nothing may be lost...”

Fragment of the passage “Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish” - John 6:1-15

Why don't we give the real importance, to the so simple and commons issues?
That fellow, at about 2000 years ago, he was doing already what we try to do nowadays, and it seems so tough.

“Gather up the fragments left over, so that nothing may be lost.”

Each single part shouldn't be lost, this is the primary issue of the sustainability.
In the simple attitudes, we can do something of grand value.

Thinking about this , I've had the idea to this project, that I ask permission to introduce to you.

 It's a simple house, but it was sought  systems that can reduce and reuse every resource, food,  storm water, even sewage.
It was considered a common site, and the construction is placed, with the front façade turning to north( considering the climate and sun trajectory in the south hemisphere).
Both the intimate area, as the two bathrooms, like the service areas ( laundry and kitchen) are close to each other, in order to create a hydraulic column, which provides water to every hydraulic component, from a reservatory, specifically placed in high position.
The sewage is divided in  Bathrooms, kitchen ( fats) and laundry, besides the organic waste that can be placed in a box, which slides to a compostage box, in order to make a previous segregation of the waste, avoid join it with plastics, paper and glass.

The studies were made in portuguese language and the measures are in meters.


There's a proposal of creating a crossed ventilation, between the windows of bedrooms and living-room( this second with double high), and the window of the  bedroom that is turned to the living-room has not glass, but only curtains ..
The bricks manufacturing, it's just an idea ( it doesn’t has a scientific proof) , but that can be a important proposal, and it can be developed in a more deep research) for the solid waste of civil construction.
It’s proposed the trituration of solid wastes of building construction, like stones bricks and mansory, in order to create  an homogenized material, which can be wrapped in a concrete mass, to the manufacturing of new blocks, only to seal
It’s also proposed the add of coconut fibers, to give more cohesion to the block, a natural structure.

The reuse of the storm water is also a point of the project. With a filter to remove the dust of the roof, the system needs periodic maintenance, and must be used for less noble activities, like cleaning, irrigation, but not to human use.
It was made a electrical facilities study, divided in two distribution frameworks, in the first and second floor, what can allow the inclusion of PV ( photo-voltaic) energy

I hope, sincerely, that this idea can bring to the light, these question so discussed in the present days.


Leandro Salerno Santos - architect and designer.

Si tratta, un’altra volta, di un progetto simple.
Il simplicitá, alcune volte, può fare tutta la differenza.
La segregazione delle rifiuti, de modo a facilitare la raccolta selettiva e la sostenibilità, è qualcosa importante, nel progetto, con il rifiuto organico,  guardado nella camara per compostage.
Lavanderi, cucina e bagni sono collegate alle stessa coluna facilitando la distribuzione idraulica.
Gli finestre dalle camere,  posto alle sala non hanno vetro, ma una tenda al fine di permettere la ventilazione nelle interior.
Il riuso dell'acqua del pioggia, è anche una proposta del progetto.
Io aspetto che tutti voi piace!


Leandro Salerno Santos - architetto e designer


La reutilización, y la segregación son puntos importantes del estudio.
Reutilización del agua de lluvia, y segregación del basura.
La casa tiene baños, cocina e lavandería ligados, creando una columna hidraulica, para facilitar a distribuición.
La basura está ainda dividido en  los baños, la cocina la lavandería, y  la agua de lluvia, almacenada, y reutilizada.

Espero que gusten!

Leandro Salerno Santos - arquitecto y designer.


Un maison simple, avec salles de bans, cuisine, et blanchisserie liés in un colonne, afin de faciliter distribution hydraulique.
La segregation est point important.
Le égout est divisée en bans, et cuisine, et blanchisserie, outre le ordure organique, que est stockés en un chambre de compostage.
La eaux de pluie est également reutilisés.
J'esperé que vous aime!

Leandro Salerno Santos - architect et designer.

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