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By Ferramentas Blog

segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2012


This is a personnel idea, without grand pretension!

I've been listening to the song of authory by Elton John, Empty Garden, a tribute to John Lennon, and I've had this idea.

A small and simple structure with glass, formed by 8 pentagons structured with a sort of eye in the incenter of the shape, which work as window , that fit to each other, starting from a square base, forming 8 sides and two floors, that hosts a reception and a video library in the first, and a gallery in the second, the two linked by a helical stair, some openings in the low part, besides the windows, in both floors, helps the ventilation.

Outside, there's a structure in metal, that supports palettes, which, through a misalignment, creates a opening, remembering petals of a flower.

This is placed in a base of bricks, with cracks, giving access through a stair. Now people, fans, everyone will grow between them.

The structure is located in an empty area in the middle of Central Park.



                                 This video is small, but gives an idea of the environment. 
                                    Remembering that it's just a simulation, a proposal!

A John Lennon Memorial, the Johnny’s house

I hope you appreciate!

Leandro Salerno - architect and designer.


Si Tratta di una idea personale. Io era ascoltando la musica "Empty Garden" da Elton John, e ho avuto questa idea.

È una struttura semplice, costruita da pentagoni nel metallo e vetro, con un occhio nel incentro lavorando come finestra.

 Anche abbiamo struttura de tavolozze, nella parte esterna, crea la idea de una fiore sulle base de mattoni,  e scale posta in crepe. Tutto questo nel mezzo del Central Park.

 Io aspetto che voi piacere!


Leandro Salerno Santos - architetto e designer.



Este memorial es bien simple, formado por estructuras en la forma de pentagono, que unen en una base cuadrada.

Paletas externas forman petalas de una flor,  sobre la base  de tijolos, con escaleras entre las grietas, en lo medio del Central Park.

Espero que gusten!

Leandro Salerno Santos - arquitecto e designer.



Cette es un structure simple, en métal et en verre, que se joint en la base carrée,sur plate-forme de briques, avec des escaliers entre les fissures. Toute  dans le millieu des Central Park.
J'esperé que vous aime!

Leandro Salerno Santos - architecte e designer.

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