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By Ferramentas Blog

terça-feira, 21 de agosto de 2012


This is a primary study, which has been prompted by a friend of mine.
The idea features two twin houses, for two families.
My friend wants to have a house that is comfortable for him and also his grandmother and his mother.
Each house has two bedrooms in the second floor, with one of them ( the bedroom of the background part), with a bathroom, besides an environment in the first floor that is separated by a kitchen, which serves for the breakfast by a side, and provides the dinner by the other.
The facade has a inclination, in floorplan, because in this position, the house (here in Brazil) receives in its front part  much of the incidence of the sun, in the facade. In the same thought, the right side receives much sunlight,( considering the trajectory of the sun in the south hemisphere), so that, the two houses have a corridor in the side, in order to create a double wall, avoiding that the heat arrives to the bedrooms. This case happens only in the second floor, because in the first, the neighbors will protect the living room.
The construction is simple in masonry and concrete, and painting outside.

Unfortunately, due to personal issues of the costumer, the build still hasn’t been initialized, as well as the project will need to be detailed.

The customer name, and address, as well the environment that surrounds it, are not shown for security issues.

 These videos show the behave of the sun and shadows, in a period of a day ( considering the south hemisphere), in the spring equinox, near the summertime solstice.
 Remembering that it's only a didatic simulation, of the sun incidence.

I hope you appreciate!

Thank you!
Leandro Salerno Santos – architect and designer.

Questo è un progetto per un amico.
Il progetto ha due case per due famiglie, mio amico , e anche suo mama e suo nonna.
Con due camere nel secondo piano, e una sala, nel primo, che è  diviso in due con una cucina, creando sala per la visita e anche caffé e un'altro per mangiare.
La fachada è inclinada per evitare insolazione.
Anche abbiamo passagi nel lado di modo a evitare che il calore raggiunge gli camere con molta intensitá.

Io aspetto che si piace!


Leandro Salerno Santos - architetto e designer.


Eso projecto fue hecho para um amigo.
él tiene dos habitaciones en cima, y una sala en la parte inferior, que está dividida en visita y jantar.
Fachada inclinada y pasillos para minimizar el calor.
Debe ser construída en ladrillo y hormigón, con pintura externa.

Espero que guste!


Leandro Salerno Santos - arquitecto y designer.


C'est un project pour un ami.
Deux maisons pour mon ami et pour leur mère et grand- mère.
Avec deux chambres à coucher en la partie haut et un chambre en la partie inférieur, qui est divisée d'une salon et salle à manger.
La façade est incliné,  et la maison avoir un couloir pour minimizé le chaleur.
La construction devrait  être faire en brique et béton, avec peinture en la partie externé.

J'espére qui vous aime!


Leandro Salerno Santos - architect et designer

terça-feira, 14 de agosto de 2012



This is a religious building’s proposal  dedicated to “Benedito Moro from Palermo” or  Saint Benedito.
 It’s not known  his story exactly, but some say that he was born in Southern of Sicily  in a poor family, and others say that he was a slave, coming from the northern of Africa.
This name “moro” is   an Italian word  and means moor, due to his african ancestry.
Saint Benedito, he  followed the teaching from San Francisco.
It’s proposed the  construction, that should be made in concrete, with some parts ( the windows and the door) in metal and glass, in Palermo in Sicily, Italy. It has a floorplan, that escapes from the tradicional proposals and the common  shapes. It doesn’t have a specific front, but its main entrance is made by the side in a glass wall not plan, but with some movements. 
Its camp bell, that'  high (with the bells a little low), it is formed by two walls in concrete and metal, that open in the most high area, remembering two hands staring to the sky.
But Saint Benedito ( and this was my grandmother’s advice) has the right arm holding a baby.
So even in a remembering of the “Piazza de San Pietro” (St Peter Square) designed by the baroque artist ( Francesco) Borromini, this idea has an arm that gets out and embraces people, and it could be used like a rest area.

This video gives an idea of the building.

I hope you appreciate!

Thank you!
Leandro Salerno Santos - architect and designer.

"Benedito Moro da Palermo", Santo Benedito!
Questa idea è dedicata à questo Santo.
Due muri alti, che apre nella parte alta, come due mani alle cielo.
Un braccio nella parte destra funziona come una area di riposo.
Io aspetto che vi piace!


Leandro Salerno Santos - architetto e designer


Esa idea es dedicada "Benedito Moro de Palermo", el San Benedito.
Ella no es muy tradicional, con fachada del frente y lo plano muy incomum.
Dos paredes, que se abren en lo  alto, como dos manos al alto, e un brazo abraçando una área que puede funcionar como área de descanso.

Espero que gusten!

Leandro Salerno Santos - arquitecto y designer


C’est un project visant à "Benedito Moro de Palermo", Saint Benedito.
Avec un forme different, avec deux hauts murs qui ouvre au sommet, comme deux mains visant à  ciel, e un arm  embrassant une aire de reposé.

J'esperé qui vous aime!


Leandro Salerno Santos - architect et designer.

terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2012


Ok! I know!
I've been trying this idea in other opportunities, maybe since the beginning, I guess!
Always searching informations about quantization, I mean, phenomenons, which aren't continous, they assume discrete values.
It's said that the time doesn't fit in our boundary conception.

Thus, past present and future, not exist separately, but they're only a didactic division, in order to facilitate our understanding about this time line.

But How would be an architectonic space, without the tradicional boudaries, that we've always had the habit  of seeing.
Let us imagine a building where we passed from one room towards the other, without assuming the usual steps. It would be like have all the environments living together, and at the same time. Just the moment, the viewing, the perspective, and the need, they make the different environments in the environment.
The facade has rings, remembering the planet, which received the name Saturn ( or Cronus in greek mythology)  God of Time.
The coverage is in metal and the internal lining is simply in plaster, and the floor is a laminated, that's immitating  wooden.
Of course, it's only a conceptual project, but who knows we can think in different ways.

important: The images and paintings, that appears in the project, are already known in the world( the "creation of Adam", for example, is a known painting, painted by Michelangelo Buonarroti, in the the Sistine chapel's ceiling, in Vatican) and they are in the project, only to effect of ilustration the environment

 This video has low resolution, for upload issues, but shows the different perspectives inside the building.

Leandro Salerno Santos - architect and designer.

Adesso, andiamo a provare dimenticare gli confini tradizionali.
In questa idea, loro non esistano, loro sono insiemi, come presente passato e futuro, insieme, soltanto in frequenze differenti. Gli perspective può mostrare differenti ambienti.
Il soffito è semplicemente un rivestimento in cartongesso, e il piso è un laminado, che sembra legno.
La facciata sembra il pianeta, che ha ricevuto il nome del Saturno, dio del Tempo.

Espero che si piace!
Leandro Salerno Santos - architetto e designer.


Olvides las fronteras, en eso espacio, ellos no pueden existir.
En cada perspectiva, una vista  diferente.
Cobertura en metal, y revestimiento , en yeso.
Suelo en laminado. Eso recuerda  madera
La fachada procura lembrar el planeta, que recibió el nome Saturno, Dios del Tiempo.
Espero que gusten.

Leandro Salerno Santos - arquitecto y designer.


C'est un projeto sans quelques limites.
Comme  le présent, passé et future, ensemble.
Chaque point de veu, montre un vision différent.
La couverture est in métallique, et le forro revêtement in platrê.
L'étage est in stratifié, rappelant la bois.
Et la façade à essayer de rappeler  le planète, que reçu le nom  des Saturne, Le Dieu des temps.
J' espére que vous aime!

Leandro Salerno Santos - architect et designer