Some time ago in the architecture school, the teacher asked us to think about a Project out of the Standards.
So I ended up thinking about this, and I felt will of sharing it with you.
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Library of Babel source http://babeleoutrasficcoes.blogspot.com.br/ |
I think everyone’s already heard about the LIBRARY OF BABEL, A story of the argentine writer and poet Jorge Luiz Borges.
I’ll try to summarize it, but sorry, If I forget something
The library (the universe) contains all the information possible in the universe, and its librarians, they try constantly discover them.
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simulation of the inside the hexagon source - http://rodapedohorizonte.wordpress.com/2009/12/01/iniciativa-3dt-alpha-a-biblioteca-de-babel/ |
It's a metaphysical complex of an infinity number of rooms with an hexagonal floorplan, with five sides ( six less one)built with shelfes, and one side that gives access to a small vestibule, with two compartment one by each side ( right and left), where it’s possible to make the basic necessities in one or sleep in vertical position in the other. This vestibule also makes connection with others floors, and by it passes an espiral stair, that connect with other floor up or down. Besides that, there are vains that make infinity holes bordered by body guards, which passes by the rooms toward the infinity, and the dead are thrown down and have like fate go down forever.
But let’s think that the creative mind, now sick, decided to change this income complex in a prison.
The shelfes are replaced by walls and the accesses shall to be protected for special guards.
The Matrix of Borges is,now, a prison complex of maxim security, because it’s the own universe.
The prisoner can't run away, because he’s , as said Carl Sagan (Who I’d like to have had the honor of knowing personaly) part of the Cosmos and can’t leave it.
It could be the perfect prison!
Crazy?...., this is the point!
Well, I usualy let clear, that I like what isn’t obvious, but what makes us imagine for more crazy that the event can appear.
And If you look without concepts, we're part of the universe, and we are linked to it, So we are forever stuck to ourselves,…, well,……, But it’s out of my reach, so I prefer to let it for my psicologist!
I hope you appreciate!
Thank you so much!
Leandro Salerno Santos – architect.
Imaginiamo una prigione, da dove nessuno può lasciare, perchè lei è un complesso infinito,..., questo è il universo stesso!
La obra di Jorge Luiz Borges è, ora chiaro, con modificazione architettonico, un complesso maglia di camere, dove ogni abitante ha diventato un prigioniero
Arrestato insieme al suo universo stesso!
ASpetto che voi piace!
Leandro Salerno Santos - architetto
Imaginemos una prisón, de donde ninguno puede escapar, porque es el universo mismo
Un Infinito complejo, sin nudos, intrincado.
La prisón perfeita, baseada en la obra de Jorge Luiz Borges.
Espero que usted pueda entender el mi español.
Leandro Salerno Santos - arquitecto.