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By Ferramentas Blog

segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2016


Not too many years ago ( I guess) I posted an autonomous proposal called “HOUSE-STUDY OF AN AUTONOMOUS PROPOSAL”.

The fact is that in this project there is a mezzanine on the second floor with about 7 meters of length. In order to solve this problem I used a solution which, until then, I had judged good and safe. The rafter height was higher in the middle than in the two ends.

However, with time and some experience I've started realizing that such solution, besides of being  visually uncomfortable, it actually created a structural problem, because in the two supports, where the shear force is stronger, the rafter height is small. So I decided to change this decision which was bothering me.

Actually, it’s a simple changing. An inversion of the form solves the problem and, sincerely, makes it better. And by the way, a straight rafter with the increasing of the steel area, both at the superior and lower parts of a double armature, could solve the issue with a smaller  height's rafter. After all, it's just a proposal, a conceptual Project. In a real case, involving costs, the good sense is sovereign.
Sorry for the simple drawing, but it's just to show the idea.

Remembering that's just a proposal. It was not constructed.

My apologies for this and I hope you understand my concern.

Leandro Salerno Santos – arquitect.

sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2015


This is not a project of mine exactly, but a experience of which have had the opportunity of sharing.
Well, one of the 3 medicine gases, in a health care establishment, the oxygen can be provided either from small tanks, that here in Brazil, we call them “bala”, or from an oxygen central system, that features  among others,  a  big tank that receives the oxygen in the liquid form, and under pressure. It creates a gas, supplied to the hospital. The problem’s that this work eliminates the heat, causing a huge freezing and an ice creation on the external side of the pipes that composes the complex, what prejudices the good working of it.

That’s why the oxygen central system, it must to be wet all the time to minimize the ice creation. 


But all the water used can’t be wasted, especially in these times of dry climate, I guess you know what I mean.
So  a  reusing  system of this water was thought and planned, by the HEAPN's maintenance team. The water, which  has been wasted  untill then, is now, storaged in a concrete box, able to save until 1,000 liters.

There's no need of keeping a drinkable water, but just able to melt the ice formed. Anyway  a  component  was put before the the storage. This component is a box that should have a system of small boards on the  inside, creating hydraulical closings, in order to make a decantation of the liquid,  but this was judged unecessary.

Obviously the rain water is also caught by the system, but it has the function of renewing the water, eliminating dusts, salts, chlorides and others.
After a while, the liquid is decanted in the box and sent for the oxygen central either by a shower made of pipes, placed over the serpentine, or directly by hose through manual work.

It’s a simple initiative, but I should tell you that It’s been a good experience not only for me, but all the  team in the HEAPN’s construction's maintenance.
liquid oxygen supplying

 I’ve trying to show you fragments of the project's plank, as well as the result through images.
On behalf of all I hope you appreciate.

Leandro Salerno – architect.



quinta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2014


shown in previous posting
This is nothing  more than a rereading of a proposal which had been previously shown .

Something like the internal place which should be used for practicing of exercises should remain in the same way.

My apologies regarding the handrail absence , as well as the lashing  in the trusses but it was due to the lack of time.
shown in previous postingThe basic idea is trying to understand the same structure, or at least part of it, in "light steel frame".

shown in previous posting

 I hope you appreciate.


Leandro Salerno – architect.

terça-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2014


Well I know I'm an architect,but since this blog was created, I have been trying to propose, especially at the end of the year, a new way of conceive  a very common expression of the Christian faith.
It’s said that the first Christmas crib, conceived by Saint Francisco, was made in clay with real animals, and since then it’s taken place in most houses, especially  on the west world.
It's a little futurist, but I want to show you.

The original idea was make the characters more personalized,  in glass and place them upon a base, from where a source would emit light which would reach the boundaries by

refraction as well as what happen in optical fibers, but I had to decide for a more simple solution , of course with the same designing for the characters, but this time, made with a thicker paper, even because it needed to be finished faster for the Christmas day. 
Actually It was made to the last Christmas, but due to the lack of time, I've had to postpone the posting of this presentation for some months ( one year exactly).
In a second attempt (if look for, you’ll find another proposal in the same way that was previously posted  ),  this is my point of view about this expression.

I hope you appreciate.

Leandro Salerno - architect.



Questo è solamente un presepe di natale, visto da un’altra visione.
Io aspetto che si piace.
Leandro Salerno – architetto.
Uma nueva forma de ver una cuna de natal.
Espero que guste.
Leandro Salerno – arquitecto.
C’est  mon vision des le noel.
J'espére que vous aime.
Leandro Salerno – architect.

sexta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2014


To whom it may concern,
Well, this is not attempt of showing a new idea, but  some studies which were  not approved.
Sorry for that.
I’m only posting some proposals. Or at least, an attempt of doing it.
They're   3D studies of volume, made for a Project in light steel frame  already conceived, but they’ve not been approved.
You can notice that's a sequence of proposals in the same idea since the sketch untill the rendering.

Well, with nothing left to say, I only ask you to look and take your own conclusions.
Yours Faithfully.

Leandro Salerno- architect

terça-feira, 1 de outubro de 2013


First of all, my apologies for  my absence and so much time out of this blog, but I've been envolved with other works.

This is also a simple idea, it’s just another furniture, an urban furniture in this case.
However,  from my point of view it’s great due to its environmental appeal.
It’s a desk for a drinking, which could be used both in the inside and outside, but in this last case, it features two PV panels on the top, that capture the sun light to be converted in electric energy, what minimizes the heat at the same time.
The electricity should be used to keep the lamps lighted. What doesn't avoid that it can count with  a paralel circuit, in case of an emergency.
It should be manufactured with metal for the structure and wood for the desk.
This is just a study,but I hope you appreciate.
Leandro Salerno – architect.

Una idea simple, ma con una importanza ambientale.

Il tavolo può essere metto  nella parte interna e externa. Deve utilizzare la luce del sole, per creare energie elettriche per i lampadas.

Deve essere fabbricati in metal e legno.

È solamente una proposta, ma io aspetto che si piace

Leandro Salerno – architetto.


Esa és mas una ideia simples.

Uma mesa para bar con el uso de la energia solar para alimentar las lámparas.
Fabricado en acero y madera.
Espero que usted gusta.
Leandro Salerno - arquitecto.

C'est un idea simple à nouveau.
Un tableau des Bar, fait in métal et bois e peux etrê utiliser interne et externe
Utilise energie solaire pour les lampes.
J'esperé que vous aime.

Leandro Salerno - architect.