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By Ferramentas Blog

quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

Christmas Crib / Culla di Natale

I’m an architect!
So What am I doing with a Christmas crib?
I think that architects must make any intervention in the space.
And do you want anything more beautiful, in this month?
As a Christian, I always made Christmas Cribs, even due to a familiar tradition.
And this was great to make.
The idea was born last year.
We were without the appropriate materials, as usual in the previous years.
But it was just to appear a cloth and an wooden rod, and the crib was prepared.
A simple tensioned cloth with the angel sustaining it.
The idea's been good, and I decided use it this year again.
It was added a black strip that limits the sky with the stars, besides the principal of them.
It also was added more characters in the scene, as you'll see in photos.
I hope you like!
Leandro Salerno Santos - architect

Questo è solo una  culla di natale, in tempi di festi, ma ha un valore speciale.
Concebito nel momento , che la fretta è stato il principale questione, questo há  diventato una sorpresa.
Anche se io sono un architetto, io sempre cerco  apertare altre aree, perchè il cérebro  ha tenere lavorando.
È stato fatto  con pochi cose, un panno, una asta di legno e idee, ma il resulto è stato molto buono.
Il angelo gabriel corona la estruttura e sembra volare sulle ar, tenendo la tenda.
Nel anno scorso, questo fu fatto in un momento che noi non avevano i materiali correte, ma la soluzione fu così bouna, che la idea rimane a giorni d’oggi.
io aspetto che voi piace!

Leandro Salerno Santos – architetto.

terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2011


I ask you permission to introduce to you some ideas and thoughts that comes through my mind.
I’m not talking as an architect, but as someone that’s trying observe some details, which some years ago, I hadn’t perceived.
In the end of 2009, I suffered an accident.
I've had a traumatic brain injury, so I had to rehabilitate myself in the ordinary world.
For more sad that it can seem, I have say that it was an unique experience in my life.
I passed to look at details in my life, things that are there all the time, but sleepy.
These days, for example, I started to think about an house, a simply home.
When I was in the architecture school, I’ve been teached, about walls, structures, roofs and other things usual in an architect life.
Well, thinking more early, there in the paleolithic age, when a man entered into a cavern, and realized that he could live there, he already was making architecture.
Of course, with the time, he was discovering the possibility of constructing tool, how to use the fire in his favour.
And that was increasing his form of face the world, and so comes constructions, houses, palaces, graves,…, what’s wrong in that?
I read sometime, in a book called “The history of the city”, by Leonardo Benevolo, that  the man in a moment of his life, started feel the will  of guarding his deads, in order that he could return to visit them, that means  that the alive’s city, started with the dead’s city.
But what is the diference between the the space, the group fo atoms existent in the  previous caverns, and the moderns houses?
Maybe the cover,.., both the intern and the extern.
These covers were use in many moments, …, by kings, kingdoms, churchs, but the essence keeps the same.
I’m not forsaking the idea of the forms in the architecture,…,  I use the corver like a form of making my ideas escape from my mind.
But the interior is something intersect, like veins, that all the moment, they cross themselves.

Besides, nowadays there are so many dimensions to look, beside that old and spacial that we already know.
If we look the cords theory, we can think about  other dimensions like mass, time,..,the charge…
Sorry my voyage and if I seem vain , but I hope that I can explain my understanding about architecture,
And maybe make someone think like me,…, and with me.

Leandro Salerno Santos - architect.

quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011


This is a conceptual project,..., at least!
 I learned in the architecture school,to plan a house with walls and roof,..., the basic,..., but what if  the environment is built in the empty,..,where's the track for don't fall in the obvious?
Just seek the limits! in the nature!
Light and darkness, black and white,full and
 empty,...., we only need to know where's the border between both.      
Leandro Salerno Santos - architect.

sábado, 5 de novembro de 2011


"Never believe in what your eyes see!"

I listened that phrase when I was watching a TV program when I was hospitalized this year,..., I think it was "DISCOVERY CHANNEL",..., whatever it !
But I started thinking about something that I learned in the beginning of the university.
Perception,..., How we can work it , in order to create an ilusion.
A sort of crowning can be the key, and being used with gardens.
Of course, I can't do magic, but I have the perspective in my favour,..., thus I can disturb it and the brain can work the rest!

This video has low definition, but shows what's needed!
Two comercial buildings with 4 floors both.
Which of the two do you think is the higher?

Reuse the water of rain and the air conditioning is also proposed,.....,sustainability!
Well I hope my idea can bring into the light this question that is already knocking our door!

Leandro Salerno Santos - architect.

quarta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2011


Questo è un simple progetto, ma ha un grande valore personal.
Mi ricorda gli tempi di università.
Accade che in un momento di vita, questo era mio punto di inizio al ritorno.
Facciata simple, monocroma,..., i colore bianco è davvero una colore singolare.
Con tre camere e una grande sala, e cucina, più il garagio con un terrazzo come cobertura, i casa ospita  una famiglia
Abbiamo anche un elemento tubolare che lavora come un spazio piccolo e intimo con finestra, per i due camere da letto nelle due piani, al fine di comporre la facciata, con concreto e vetro.
 Io aspetto che voi può capisce mio italiano.

Leandro Salerno - architetto